If most businesses were asked today, do you have much paperwork? The majority would say yes, in fact we have too much paperwork. In an ideal world most businesses would like to eliminate paperwork altogether but are unsure how to implement this or how to take the first steps towards a paperless office.
Filling out paperwork for fieldworkers like sales people, engineers or in fact anybody away from the office sometimes can be a nightmare. Paperwork gets lost, forms and the information is not recorded properly and sometimes there can be discrepancies in info gathered. By the time this paperwork gets back to the office it can be a number of days later and so invoicing is slower and the information still has to be transferred to a computer or CRM system.
[quote align=”center” color=”#999999″] Fieldmotion can export your existing forms, so there is no need to design new forms or change the way you do business.[/quote]
Today paperwork can be a thing of the past if you use Fieldmotion. Workers can gather the information and input this on their mobile phones, using pre-designed forms. This is then sent back to the office automatically for processing by the admin team. Appointments can be sent directly to the handheld devices, no longer do workers have to go to the office in the morning to collect daily work schedules. Information can be collected and filled out and sent back to the office in real time and thus speeding up invoicing. Managers are now able to make decisions in real time based on the information sent back to the Fieldmotion office CRM by the field workers.
Fieldmotion can export your existing forms, so there is no need to design new forms or change the way you do business, you still record the same information only more efficiently and in real time. If you are interested in talking to us please get in touch for a free no obligation demo.
Call us now and start the paperless journey.